Monday, January 3, 2022


 alr guys, it has snowed. fucking crazy if u ask me- it was 65* like a day ago. it's v pretty but i hate the cold. we ran out of coffee so i'm drinking hot chocolate, it's a vibe fosho. 

i've been spending way too much time on my phone again. technically i'm reading but idk if sifting thru bad fan fiction counts as enriching my young mind. tried to work on the cig script but it's harddd, i don't wanna workk, boooo. 

cece & christian being over has just reinforced me staying in my room all day. they also are getting less & less helpful with taking care of mom, i'm doing a lot of the work. they're leaving today tho- cece is going to fuckinn south korea so. idk i hope such a big life change gives her some new perspectives. i rly wish we could b closer. will is coming home today- i'm honestly not not excited to see him. i feel like he might be more helpful than those previously mentioned with taking care of mom. i'm not gonna have him emptying her drains but i'm sure he'll be happy to cook & want to make sure mom is following her schedules. 

hopefully will can end up taking the bus, i rly don't wanna b in charge of driving him to/from school for 3+ weeks. 

i'm gonna put on a sweater or smth and try to embrace the snow day vibes. 

love u all v dearly, miss u incredibly

peace out cool kids B)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, March 10, 2014

I'm Baaaaaack!

Hey guys! I'm Ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 22, 2013

You know, it's not really punishable to have a crush on someone, right? I mean, hey, I'm sure most of us have a crush on someone, right? :) Just try not to be mean, or teasing. That's why I removed Kate's earlier post. I hope you understand! By the way, I don't think I do have a crush on Taylor Swift, by the way. :P


Friday, February 8, 2013

Meep52 wrote: my friend Jake has a crush on Taylor Swift.

Eh. I like her music. O_o  ~Jake